Turning On Your Light
Written By Cindy Jackson
No matter how much shade
You throw at me
I’m still gonna have the sun
No matter how dark it is
I’m still gonna have this
Little light of mine on
They still will see
God turned this light on
So no Man can turn it off (No sorry… Not sorry)
No matter how much you boo me
I’m still gonna succeed
Because there is a Champion inside of me
That has nothing to do with you
May The Lord Keep on Blessing me
Right in front of you
Give you front row seats
I’m gonna leave my light on
So you can see
Hoping you find your way Home
It doesn’t really matter
What you did or said to me
His arms are open wide
Are you ready for His Forgiveness
He’s a Father who loves All His Children
He’s just waiting to turn
Your light on to
So we can all
Shine together
Yes He’s got room for even you
There is power
In The Name of Jesus
I pray this song reaches you
Verse 2
I don’t wish none of the
Same things on you
That you have on me (No I don’t)
That Bad you’ve been wishing for me
I wish you love
Joy, happiness and peace
We don’t think the same
That’s clear to see
However who you are
Just will not change who I am
Or even who I am meant to be
So instead of hating you back
I will pray for your healing
May He show you Grace and Mercy
And soften
Your heart of stone
I’m gonna leave my light on
So you can see
Hoping you find your way Home
It doesn’t really matter
What you did or said to me
His arms are open wide
Are you ready for His Forgiveness
He’s a Father who loves All His Children
He’s just waiting to turn
Your light on to
So we can all
Shine together
Yes He’s got room for even you
There is power
In the Name of Jesus
I pray this song reaches you